Slow Momentum with Fast Reversion: A Trading Strategy Using Deep Learning and Changepoint Detection

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Momentum strategies are an important part of alternative investments and are at the heart of commodity trading advisors (CTAs). These strategies have, however, been found to have difficulties adjusting to rapid changes in market conditions, such as during the 2020 market crash. In particular, immediately after momentum turning points, where a trend reverses from an uptrend (downtrend) to a downtrend (uptrend), time-series momentum (TSMOM) strategies are prone to making bad bets. To improve the response to regime change, we introduce a novel approach, where we insert an online changepoint detection (CPD) module into a Deep Momentum Network (DMN) [1904.04912] pipeline, which uses an LSTM deep-learning architecture to simultaneously learn both trend estimation and position sizing. Furthermore, our model is able to optimise the way in which it balances 1) a slow momentum strategy which exploits persisting trends, but does not overreact to localised price moves, and 2) a fast mean-reversion strategy regime by quickly flipping its position, then swapping it back again to exploit localised price moves. Our CPD module outputs a changepoint location and severity score, allowing our model to learn to respond to varying degrees of disequilibrium, or smaller and more localised changepoints, in a data driven manner. Back-testing our model over the period 1995-2020, the addition of the CPD module leads to an improvement in Sharpe ratio of one-third. The module is especially beneficial in periods of significant nonstationarity, and in particular, over the most recent years tested (2015-2020) the performance boost is approximately two-thirds. This is interesting as traditional momentum strategies have been underperforming in this period.

In the Journal of Financial Data Science
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Kieran Wood
Kieran Wood
DPhil in Machine Learning

My research interests include deep learning for time-series forecasting, momentum trading and Bayesian deep learning.