Few-Shot Learning Patterns in Financial Time-Series for Trend-Following Strategies

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Forecasting models for systematic trading strategies do not adapt quickly when financial market conditions change, as was seen in the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when market conditions changed dramatically causing many forecasting models to take loss-making positions. To deal with such situations, we propose a novel time-series trend-following forecaster that is able to quickly adapt to new market conditions, referred to as regimes. We leverage recent developments from the deep learning community and use few-shot learning. We propose the Cross Attentive Time-Series Trend Network - X-Trend - which takes positions attending over a context set of financial time-series regimes. X-Trend transfers trends from similar patterns in the context set to make predictions and take positions for a new distinct target regime. X-Trend is able to quickly adapt to new financial regimes with a Sharpe ratio increase of 18.9% over a neural forecaster and 10-fold over a conventional Time-series Momentum strategy during the turbulent market period from 2018 to 2023. Our strategy recovers twice as quickly from the COVID-19 drawdown compared to the neural-forecaster. X-Trend can also take zero-shot positions on novel unseen financial assets obtaining a 5-fold Sharpe ratio increase versus a neural time-series trend forecaster over the same period. X-Trend both forecasts next-day prices and outputs a trading signal. Furthermore, the cross-attention mechanism allows us to interpret the relationship between forecasts and patterns in the context set.

In the Journal of Financial Data Science
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Kieran Wood
Kieran Wood
DPhil in Machine Learning

My research interests include deep learning for time-series forecasting, momentum trading and Bayesian deep learning.